Friday, April 19, 2013

It's Just the Beginning

I am sitting at my computer writing a message to girls that I met just a few short months ago about how proud I am of their growth and success with Pure Romance.  Then it hit me... these aren't just girls that I work with or girls I met at a meeting. These girls are all girls that I recruited and watched go from their first party all the way to building a team of their own.  I have a team.  It is a weird concept, I must admit.  When I started Pure Romance I never wanted to build a team.  I wanted to sell products, make a few bucks, and focus on my family.  Becoming a "sponsor" kind of fell into my lap with my very first Pure Romance daughter, Story Lynn, and I had no idea what I was doing. After all, I was still new myself.  Now, I am still stumbling through how to manage a team, do my parties, and have a personal life, but I have to admit that I am happier than ever.  I am learning how to let go, not answer every question, and not expect everyone to be a clone of me.  I am learning that every girl has their own style and vision of what their parties and teams will be like.  I am also learning that not everyone will be best friends, but that everyone will teach you something.  Pure Romance is the best thing that has every happened to me (with the exception of my incredible son) and I plan to use this blog to share my ideas, advice, and suggestions about parties, recruiting, and everything Pure Romance.  I hope you join me on my journey because ladies... this is just the beginning.